After Bogafalaya and Cane’s attacks on Peppa Pig, Pearl found a new friend in their first enemy: Mississippi. Pearl and Mississippi have been at odds since the beginning of LABS. The two groups would chant back and forth, ridiculing one another on the marches to each new activity. However, Pearl has recently realized that it’s good to be friends instead of enemies, especially with the odds stacked against them. When asked what brought the two rivals together, Mississippi Parish member Elijah Hanaker said that “The upcoming elections brought us together. The bad blood needs to end.” As friends, Pearl and Mississippi are a force to be reckoned with. While we do not know Mississippi’s stance on Boga and Cane, it’s clear that Mississippi has Pearl’s back through and through. There are also rumors that some are seeking peace between all the parishes and that Atchafalaya may be looking towards friendship with Pearl and Mississippi. Will there be a final battle between the parishes, or will there be peace at LABS?
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